

Did You Know

  • One medium papaya provides up to 200% daily requirement of vitamin C.

  • Native to Mexico and northern South America, papaya has become naturalized throughout the Caribbean Islands, Florida, Texas, California, Hawaii, and other tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

  • Hawaiian and Mexican papaya are the two main types of papaya that can be bought around the world. The Hawaiian type is pear-shaped and weighs one pound while the Mexican papaya is heavier but has a less intense taste.

  • Papaya seeds have a sharp and peppery taste, which is why they’re sometimes used as a substitute for black pepper in some countries.

  • A diet based on high quantities of papaya may change the color of the skin on the palms and soles to yellow. This medical condition is known as carotenemia and the skin returns to normal as soon as the person stops eating papaya.

Health Benefits

  • Papaya is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. With good content, papaya is useful for lowering cholesterol. So, its can keep you from various chronic diseases such as blood pressure and heart attacks.

  • With its sweet taste, Papaya is good for bone health and contains anti-inflammatory that beneficial for away from rheumatism.

  • Papaya have a sweet taste, but no need to fear diabetes, as Papaya is low in sugar. in-spite of sweet the fruit no trigger for increasing high blood sugar.

  • Papaya is loaded with vitamin A. Its for eye health because papaya is important to prevent you from disease-related to macular degeneration. Our body always need for vitamin A, so that the eye be healthy and look everything on our life.

  • Papaya is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin B. It has beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A inside the human body.

*Disclaimer: Please seek professional medical advice for a diet that fits your needs.




Passion Fruit